The County of Orange (OC) in California has turned to Tetra Tech to design recycling and disposal capacity, infrastructure, and environmental controls at the Prima Deshecha Landfill for more than 20 years.
The Prima Deshecha Landfill is a cornerstone of the public waste management system in southern California. The facility receives up to 4,000 tons of waste per day and features facilities for waste recycling, reuse, and disposal, as well as for the generation of renewable energy.
- The Solid Waste Association of America named OC Waste & Recycling’s Prima Deshecha Landfill a 2018 Gold Excellence Award winner for Landfill Operation.
The Solid Waste Association of America named OC Waste & Recycling’s Prima Deshecha Landfill a 2018 Gold Excellence Award winner for Landfill Operation.
OC Waste & Recycling drew upon Tetra Tech’s expertise to help meet its mission of providing waste management facilities to protect the environment, promote recycling, and ensure a safe and healthy community. Tetra Tech’s broad engineering, construction, and operational support capabilities provided our client with solutions to various site development challenges.
We provided the following support at the Prima Deshecha Landfill:
- Master Planning: Developed a general development plan to establish the most cost-effective, long-term pathway for future landfill development phases
- Waste Disposal Cell Design: Designed eight successfully constructed liner phases over the years, with stabilizing earthwork designs that effectively address the historic landslides that are common at the site
- Environmental Controls Design: Provided engineering and field services to ensure site landfill gas (LFG) controls meet state and federal surface emission guidelines and are compatible with site LFG-to-energy plant needs
- Renewable Energy Implementation: Developed a renewable technology implementation plan that evaluated the feasibility of additional renewable energy projects, including composting, anaerobic digestion, and LFG-to-fuel at the Prima Deshecha Landfill and other OC facilities
- Composting Facility Design: Prepared conceptual design and permitting of an open windrow facility to convert organic waste into compost material for agricultural uses, helping the client meet new regulatory mandates to divert waste from landfills
- Material Recovery Facility (MRF) Design: Prepared civil design for a multiphase on-site MRF, which is constructed on pilings over former fill areas and is protected from LFG migration by a geosynthetic liner system
- Biologic Resources Design: Permitted and designed wetlands and realignment of a natural stream impacted by a landslide, incorporating features to establish habitat for biological resources displaced during remediation of the landslide
- Infrastructure Design: Provided civil engineering and construction support for critical operational infrastructure, including roadways, scale houses, administrative and storage buildings, utility improvements, and stormwater controls
Tetra Tech has assisted OC Waste & Recycling in complying with ever-changing regulatory requirements and has contributed to the state-of-the-art, highly compliant record we have maintained for our landfill system.
David Tieu, Senior Civil Engineer, OC Waste & Recycling