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Improving the Management of Marine Biodiversity and Fisheries in the Indo-Pacific Region

Through SuFiA TS, Tetra Tech works with the private sector, shown here offloading fish catch into colorful basket

Tetra Tech supports Indo-Pacific institutions and private sector partners to advance fisheries sustainability, combat illegal fishing, and promote women’s participation in fisheries.

The Indo-Pacific region has the highest marine biodiversity and the most productive fisheries on the planet. More than 20 million people in the region rely on fisheries for their livelihood, while many more rely on them for food security. A combination of land and marine pollution, uncontrolled coastal development, and unsustainable and illegal fishing threatens marine biodiversity in the Indo-Pacific. Managing fisheries for economic and human well-being while advancing marine biodiversity conservation requires an equitable, inclusive, and science-based approach that builds regional capacity, promotes innovation and entrepreneurship, and strengthens partnerships between the public and private sectors.


  • Strengthens regional institutional capacity for improved fisheries management and conservation
  • Applies innovative solutions to address illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the region
  • Supports private sector adoption of fair labor practices within seafood supply chains
  • Promotes women’s participation in fisheries

Through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Sustainable Fish Asia Technical Support (SuFiA TS) contract, Tetra Tech’s fisheries specialists and marine scientists provide demand-driven technical products and services to relevant regional beneficiaries, including regional organizations and intergovernmental bodies, in partnership with private sector and non-governmental partners in five areas:

  • Developing and implementing regional sustainable fisheries policies, standards, and regulatory frameworks
  • Advancing the adoption of fair labor and sustainable fishing practices by businesses working in seafood supply chains
  • Supporting regional communications and outreach to raise awareness and build public support to strengthen regional fisheries management and marine conservation
  • Promoting women’s participation in fisheries within regional fisheries management and decision-making
  • Addressing the malign influence of foreign state actors conducting unsustainable or illegal fishing operations in the region and threatening maritime security and national sovereignty

SuFiA TS is a technical investment of the United States Government to support the U.S.-Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Partnership and implementation of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy. SuFiA TS builds on the accomplishments of USAID Oceans and the U.S. Coral Triangle Initiative Support Program, including the use of electronic catch documentation and traceability technologies that enable the near-real-time tracking of seafood products throughout the fishery supply chain, from point-of-catch to regional and global retail markets. The inclusion of traditionally disadvantaged or marginalized groups—including small-scale, migrant, and stateless fishers—within regional fisheries management and decision-making is an important component of SuFiA TS. Inclusion across the region promotes fair, legal, and sustainable fisheries management and enhances coastal resiliency in the face of climate change.

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